Report on Qualifying EFA Families Shows Errors in a Quarter of Applications

While lawmakers await a performance audit of the Education Freedom Account program by the Legislative Budget Assistant expected later this year, a Department of Education compliance report done last fall, but released last month found enough issues to require the program’s administrator to reverify all participants’ applications for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years.

Dem Lawmaker Confronts Edelblut on Proposed Minimum Standard Changes

Draft changes to minimum standards for public schools, approved unanimously by the State Board of Education last week, were the subject of a legislative oversight meeting Thursday with a Democrat tangling with the Education Commissioner for two hours on whether they water down education in New Hampshire.

July 4 for Britain Contrasts with America

However, some of the people made incredibly rich under the old system of cheap labor and stealing resources as the Koch industry did oil from Indian lands, wanted to keep fighting the Civil War as the federal courts ordered integrated schools.

Distant Dome: The War on Education Is in Full Swing

Too many people interested in power instead of governing don’t want a truly informed public. Instead, they want enough of the public spoon fed “alternative facts,” conspiracy theories, and outright lies to ensure they retain power although they have views that are both harmful to the majority of citizens and allow the tyranny of the minority to overturn the will of the majority.

GOP Agenda Takes a Big Hit in the House

After last year’s kumbaya session with its bipartisan budget, and congratulations all around, the 2024 session began ugly with the war on trans youth and stayed that way until almost the very end.