Your search for Balsams returned 86 results

Order: Forest Society Won’t Get Any Northern Pass Financial Documents, But Can Question Balsams Developer

In an order Thursday, the Site Evaluation Committee rejected the forest society’s request for documents from Dixville Capital, LLC and Balsams Resort Holdings, LLC, but said it could ask limited questions of the developer, Les Otten.

January 24, 2017 |

Balsams Developer: $2 Million Loan Not Linked To Support of Northern Pass

CONCORD – Balsams developer Les Otten said at a recent technical session that a $2 million loan he received from Northern Pass’ $200 million Forward NH Fund was not conditioned on his support of the controversial plan to build a 192-mile high-voltage transmission line from Pittsburg to Deerfield.

January 23, 2017 |