Top Lobbying Spenders Pull Back, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Is Tops

The top 10 lobbying spenders in the third quarter of 2015 reported paying lobbyists about $23 million less than the second quarter’s top 10 spenders did, the latest records show. In the second quarter, the top 10 spenders reported nearly $89 million in outlays, compared to almost $66 million between July 1 and Sept. 30 — a drop of about 25 percent.

Anheuser-Busch InBev’s acquisition of SABMiller Brews Strong Lobby Combo

Regulators parsing Anheuser-Busch InBev’s planned acquisition of SABMiller are dealing with two companies that have for years spent millions fighting battles in Washington.

The agreement, announced last week, would create a mega-brewer with sales more than three times as large as Heineken’s, the next closest competitor. Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller will probably have to sell off some of their assets to get regulatory approval, the New York Times reported. But even after selling assets, the merged behemoth would account for an estimated 30 percent of beer sales worldwide.

Rochester Police Officer ‘Shattered’ by ‘Laurie’ designation

CONCORD — It didn’t take long for John Gantert’s life to fall apart four years ago when he was fired from the Rochester Police Department over a report he filled out that landed him on the hated “Laurie” list.

Gantert, now 33, was quickly evicted from Wyandotte Falls housing because his living arrangement there hinged on him working as community police officer. His girlfriend left him.

Gantert was suddenly alone and unemployed after six years on the job.

“I lost everything within 30 days,” Gantert told members of a commission studying Laurie issues on Wednesday. “It was unreal.”
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Iowa Campaigns Focus On Voters Over Pocketbooks

Donors big and small alike are pulling out their wallets in Iowa to support their candidates for the 2016 presidential election, but their contributions amount to little more than a drop in the bucket.

“When candidates come to Iowa, fundraising is not their primary purpose. It’s kind of gravy, if you will,” said Donna Hoffman, who heads the political science department at the University of Northern Iowa.
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