Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders lead in partial Iowa caucus results

The Iowa Democratic Party did not report results on Monday night immediately after the caucuses because of inconsistencies in reporting from caucus sites across the state. The state party released results at 4 p.m. on Tuesday with 62 percent of Iowa caucus precincts reporting.

Klobuchar Comes Out Swinging in NH Primary’s Home Stretch

Welcome to the final week of the runup to the New Hampshire Primary, when because of what is going on with the Iowa caucus tally and with our primary less than a week away, all eyes are now firmly planted on the Granite State and the candidates who have a shot at the top prize.

Lawmakers Hear Proposed Animal Cruelty Protections

Individuals convicted of animal cruelty in New Hampshire would be placed on a public offenders list and a person convicted of intentionally killing a pet would face a felony charge under two bills heard by the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee on Tuesday.