Dems: Sununu Opposed American Rescue Plan Behind Child Tax Credit Checks

CONCORD – As families began seeing $300 monthly checks in their bank accounts for the first time Thursday for child tax credits, Democrats were thanking congressional leaders in Washington for making that happen, making clear that if Gov. Chris Sununu was serving in Washington, he would not have supported them.

Overwhelming Opposition Voiced Against Dalton Landfill

Members of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services’ Wetlands Bureau heard nearly six hours of testimony from citizens on Monday, with the majority of the speakers registering opposition to a proposed landfill in the adjacent town of Dalton.

Windham Election Results Validated

A forensic review of Windham’s election results confirmed the accuracy of the state’s recount of the Rockingham District 7 state representative’s race, according to the report from the Forensic Election Audit Team that Secretary of State William M. Gardner and Attorney General John M. Formella received on July 12.