Groups Say U.S. Senate Filibuster Has To End

MANCHESTER — The U.S. Senate’s filibuster provision needs to end in order to protect voting rights and with it democracy, a group of speakers urged at a press conference Monday.

Casella Protesters: We’re Not Going To Take It

CONCORD — Punctuated by the chorus of Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Going To Take It,” a grassroots crowd of North Country residents and members of the Sierra Club, Community Action Works, Forest Lake Association, Conservation Law Foundation, and Save Forest Lake staged a protest outside the N.H. Department of Environmental Services’ Hazen Drive Headquarters on Friday afternoon.

Two Boys Died in Bow Crash, Dad Injured

Police are investigating the tragedy that occurred on Interstate 89 Friday morning when two brothers were killed and their father was injured in a crash on Friday.

Disabled Democratic Lawmakers Argue Again for Remote Sessions

The First Circuit Court of Appeals hearing on Friday focused on whether House Speaker Sherman Packard’s not allowing disabled House members to participate remotely was in fact a functional ouster of the lawmakers who could risk death by attending in-person sessions during the pandemic with Republicans, many of whom refuse to wear face coverings.

NH Leaders Divided Along Party Lines On Biden’s Vaccination Mandates

Among the rules are requirements that employers offer paid time off for workers to get vaccinated and a requirement that all employers with more than 100 employees to make sure their workers are vaccinated or tested weekly, which will apply to about 100 million American workers.