Reduce, Reuse, Recycle…Regret

I have always been a crazy recycler and accept the identification. I do not want any plastic bags for my purchases and use cloth bags that are easily washed for cleanliness.

Planning for Fly Fishing ‘Fails’

I like to travel light, but it is the unexpected that is hard to plan for. Pittsburg is not like a fly into Newfoundland, where if something goes wrong, you are sorry out of luck.

Celebrating the Society for the Protection of NH Forests

In just 120 years the Society has been at the forefront of change that has rippled out from the social and political boundaries of New Hampshire to the nation. Their founding effort to help pass the Weeks Act not only resulted in the White Mountain National Forest but spread the National Forest idea across the continent.

Op-Ed: State Budget is ‘Most Cruel’

This week, the NH House and Senate will be voting on the final version of the state’s two-year budget. This will be my sixth budget vote. I’ve seen some good, and some bad.