Musing Joyfully on January

I muse joyfully on this frigid, frigid January day, on the ice so deep I can skate, on my flannel sheets, on blankets around the house, on the mittens and hats strewn around so the outside is cozy, is doable, is January.

Op-Ed: Sherm’s Shenanigans

      As many who follow state politics know, in September the House Judiciary Committee proposed and was able to pass with a Republican nudge a proposed amendment to repeal the vile ultrasound mandate inappropriately inserted — and itself inappropriate on all grounds — within the state budget. 

Having a Red-Cheeked Day of Cold and Loving It

Sometimes we need those days where we feel nine years old, where we are blown away by life and its majesty, where we grab our skates and go skating beneath the bright blue skies, where we have a red cheeked day of cold and frigid knowing we are wearing flannel lined khakis with the sweater we knit years ago and skate and skate and skate.

Op-Ed: How Did We Get Here With COVID-19?

    As Omicron hits New Hampshire, COVID case counts are again hitting record highs, and we anticipate hospitalizations and deaths will soon track this rise, as they have in other states.