How to Be a Good Ally During Pride Month

THE GAY AGENDA: Being an ally simply means that you are willing to be a decent human being and not judge someone because of how they identify, and that you are willing to let people who are discriminated against because of who they are share the spotlight a little, which is so important and meaningful, especially during pride month.

Your Wednesday Toon

HELP – Please help pay for Mike’s fine cartooning for the month of May. We are short $324 and appreciate your help. — Thanks.

Your Sunday Toon

Now when you donate to our Crowdrise Adopt Mike Marland fundraising campaign you’ll get stuff from Mike! He will update CrowdRise regularly. Click inside for details.

Good Will Ambassadors Can Be Found Right Here in NH

NH TRAVEL GURU: How in the world are you going to be able to attract a work force of volunteers sufficient in size to meet the likely demand for a group of tourism information specialists?