NH House Votes To Legalize Recreational Marijuana

InDepthNH.org’s Roger Wood interviews Matt Simon, the head of the Marijuana Policy Project, about Tuesday morning’s vote 207 to 139 to legalize recreational use of marijuana in New Hampshire.

The Year in Visual and Interactive Storytelling

HURRICANES. HATE CRIMES. PRESIDENT TRUMP. If 2017 seemed busier than most, that’s because it was. ProPublica published more stories and broke more news than ever before. In addition to stellar investigative work, our reporting included ambitious visual storytelling, data journalism and interactive presentations. Here are some highlights from the year that was.

Merit Guided Governance: NH’s 1992 Senate Was One to Remember And Emulate

Just after the election then State Senator Jeanne Shaheen and I, two
Democrats, along with Concord’s beloved Senator Susan McLane and Ralph
Hough of Lebanon, two Republicans, met quietly in Madbury to craft a
bold plan: To create a Senate where party took a second seat to merit
and where Democrats and Republicans worked together for the good of
the state.