OPINION: The SEC Decision to Deny Northern Pass

Jack Savage, spokesman for the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, details why he believes state regulators concluded Eversource Energy/Northern Pass did not meet the burden of proof to build the proposed 192-mile high-voltage transmission line from Pittsburg to Deerfield.

How Many Grandkids Exactly Do I Have Again?

As I continue to muse joyfully on big families, I think of the myriad of Grandmother Footit’s grandchildren, my brothers, sisters and cousins.  And I think in particular of one of those forty whose life ended much too soon, Noreen Britton Minkler.

Unnecessary Medical Care Is More Common Than You Think

Women still get annual cervical cancer testing even when it’s recommended every three to five years for most women. Healthy patients are subjected to slates of unnecessary lab work before elective procedures. Doctors routinely order annual electrocardiograms and other heart tests for people who don’t need them.

Bienvenue is Much More Than a Sign on the NH Interstate

While English speaking Canadians are important to the Granite State, Francophone Canadians—primarily from Quebec and New Brunswick provinces—provide the largest contingent (59% in 2015). In order to lure these visitors, New Hampshire must compete with more popular destinations in Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts.