Power to the People – ‘Stranger Things,’ New England Style

Power to the People – In season 2 of the TV series Stranger Things, the bedraggled residents of Hawkins, Indiana struggle against the Mind Flayer – an uncontrollable, intelligent force from another dimension that wreaks havoc via the underground tentacles it has threaded beneath every part of town. The whole mess is the result of evil experiments conducted by rogue elements of the U.S. Department of Energy.

More States, Including NH, Hatch Plans to Recycle Drugs Wasted in Nursing Homes

In New Hampshire, radio show host Arnie Arnesen became excited about the idea after featuring the ProPublica story and the executive director of SafeNetRx on “The Attitude with Arnie Arnesen.” She pitched the drug donation idea to New Hampshire Sen. Dan Feltes, D-Concord, urging him to make it happen in New Hampshire.

Canadians are Important Leisure Travelers in NH

Foremost among sources of these visitors are Massachusetts, the other New England states, and the Middle Atlantic region. Secondary partners abound. With approximately 350-400 thousand annual visitors to New Hampshire, Canadians represent one of this state’s most important supplementary travel markets.

Web of secret money hides one mega-donor funding conservative court

Newly obtained tax documents show that Judicial Crisis Network’s money came almost entirely from yet another secretive nonprofit, the Wellspring Committee, which flooded JCN with nearly $23.5 million in 2016.

Facebook (Still) Letting Housing Advertisers Exclude Users by Race

After ProPublica revealed last year that Facebook advertisers could target housing ads to whites only, the company announced it had built a system to spot and reject discriminatory ads. We retested and found major omissions.