Senate Votes To Expand Access to Education Freedom Accounts
Expanding access to the state’s Education Freedom Accounts by income and disability was approved in bills passed by the Senate Thursday. (
Expanding access to the state’s Education Freedom Accounts by income and disability was approved in bills passed by the Senate Thursday.
Associate Attorney General Anne M. Edwards Parker was confirmed as a Superior Court Justice and the state approved a previously tabled contract for software needs at the Executive Council meeting Wednesday.
Gov. Chris Sununu told reporters that he supports the current Parental Bill of Rights and laid out his reasons for suddenly supporting legal cannabis sales saying it is likely an issue for next year.
Officials from New Hampshire Legal Assistance and the New Hampshire Bar Association addressed a special legislative committee on the Circuit Court’s family division Tuesday about how to make the system work better.
The state is looking forward to an opportunity to draw huge numbers of visitors on April 8, 2024, when there will be a total solar eclipse across the state, with the state’s north country seeing the most impact of the event which will be in the afternoon of that day.
The Senate voted unanimously Thursday to allow opioids to be prescribed by telehealth appointment just as the federal health emergency ends.
Whether a “drug-free oasis” or an “island of prohibition,” the Live Free or Die state will not legalize marijuana for adults this session after the state Senate voted to kill House Bill 639 FN-A on a vote of 14-10.
There will be no committee recommendation to the House on the length of time for extending the Granite Advantage expanded Medicaid Program.
None of the bills related to cannabis from legalizing recreational use in adults to allowing people to grow it for therapeutic reasons are going to the Senate with a recommendation to pass.