Business & Economy
First Six Months of Fiscal 2023 Produce a $200M Revenue Surplus for NH
At the halfway point of the 2023 fiscal year, state revenues are about $200 million ahead of estimates and $40 million more than a year ago. (
At the halfway point of the 2023 fiscal year, state revenues are about $200 million ahead of estimates and $40 million more than a year ago.
CACR 4 would increase lawmakers’ pay from $200 for the two-year session to $5,000 and increase the presiding officers’ — i.e. the House Speaker and Senate President — salaries for the two years to $6,250.
The plaintiffs in the latest education funding suit against the state are asking for a partial summary judgment on the issue of if the Statewide Education Property Tax is constitutional as it is currently administered.
The New Hampshire political scene is rampant with many unknowns heading into the new year: some will be resolved, and some will not.
2022 was an election year and that often brings out the worst in politicians, political hacks and supporters or opposers.
The Sununu administration has proposed two energy policies in the last six years with cheaper energy the driving factor and that translates into continued reliance on fossil fuels.
The new Education Freedom Account program violates state statutes by using funds earmarked for public education for private programs, according to a lawsuit filed Thursday against Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut.