Op-Ed: Enduring Wisdom in a Time of War

One of the great privileges of my career with the American Friends Service Committee was spending a few days with Jim Bristol, when he came to New Hampshire in 1991 to speak about the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Coal Protesters Call for ‘Just Transition,’ 8 Arrested on Merrimack River

At a prep session Saturday, leaders of the No Coal No Gas campaign stressed that their planned demonstration at Merrimack Station the following day was not intended to provoke arrests, but the police had other ideas.  By early afternoon Sunday, eight protesters with canoes and kayaks had been arrested on the Merrimack River, alongshore of New England’s last running coal-fired power plant.

Immigrant Rights’ Advocates Criticize Sununu’s Northern Border Alliance

Immigrants’ rights advocates gathered in the Legislative Office Building lobby Wednesday to criticize Gov. Chris Sununu’s plan to have New Hampshire police look for unauthorized immigrants near the Canadian border and to release a letter asking the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to deny the state’s request for state and local law enforcement officers to be given the authority to enforce immigration laws.   

Auto Workers Strike Back at Big Three

Watching TV news coverage of the United Auto Workers strike from my sister-in-law’s suburban Detroit home, it looked like there weren’t that many people picketing at the Ford plant in Wayne, Michigan, one of three plants where the UAW went on strike Thursday night. 

The March for Justice Continues in NH

Peter Cass recalls hopping on a chartered bus from his home in Swampscott, Mass. and joining the 1963 March on Washington, now remembered largely for Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.