OPINION: Time To Close Roads To ATVs in NH

I have neighbors in their sixties and seventies who no longer sit on the front porches of the houses in which they were born, because there is too much dust and noise from ATVs. The peace and quiet that attracted many second home owners to the region is gone, and it’s increasingly common to hear stories of people thinking of leaving. Even on lakes, people are selling.

Bucket Lists Are for The Young

“The 50 Most Unforgettable Things You Have to Do Abroad Before You Die.” The author’s recommendations included such activities as a free-dive on a Caribbean shipwreck, a mountain bike ride down Bolivia’s no-rails Road of Death, and hiking with lungs burning to a Bhutanese monastery.

Will Politics Ever Be Fun Again?

Dick Tuck died last month. He was a minor political operative who worked for various Democrats back in the sixties and seventies. His specialty was at getting under Dick Nixon’s skin.

A very friendly ‘no’ from federal energy regulators is bad news for consumers

Cost-of-service rate treatment is exactly what we supposedly got away from by restructuring the electric industry to eliminate old-fashioned, vertically integrated utility monopolies.  The parade of generators begging for a return to the good old days could well include facilities like Seabrook, Merrimack and Schiller stations.