New Friends For Some, Sadness for Others As Northern Pass’ Focus Shifts To Mass.

It was a real David and Goliath story played out over seven years. And while Northern Pass plans to appeal after regulators denied its $1.6 billion transmission project last week, lots of people along the proposed route from Pittsburg to Deerfield are celebrating. Project supporters say they are disappointed as Massachusetts officials scramble to figure out how to proceed now – with or without Northern Pass.

Unnecessary Medical Care Is More Common Than You Think

Women still get annual cervical cancer testing even when it’s recommended every three to five years for most women. Healthy patients are subjected to slates of unnecessary lab work before elective procedures. Doctors routinely order annual electrocardiograms and other heart tests for people who don’t need them.

Just Another Routine Thursday for New Hampshire Ratepayers

One would hope that the SEC’s decision would point Eversource and other industry payers in the direction of more local and small-scale projects when it comes to needed improvements to our energy infrastructure.  Energy efficiency, demand response, micro-grids, battery storage, and small-scale generation facilities are the kind of infrastructure that does not require SEC approval, yet all count.

OPINION: Eversource Arrogance Continues By Burt Cohen

Martin Murray, spokesman for Northern Pass, said, “We are shocked and outraged by today’s SEC outcome.” He continued, “Clearly, the SEC process is broken.” In other words: How dare the members of the SEC (site evaluation committee) not do as we command! And all seven of them!

Bienvenue is Much More Than a Sign on the NH Interstate

While English speaking Canadians are important to the Granite State, Francophone Canadians—primarily from Quebec and New Brunswick provinces—provide the largest contingent (59% in 2015). In order to lure these visitors, New Hampshire must compete with more popular destinations in Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts.