Blameworthy Characters: Three Well-Paid Electricity Titans Worth Watching
As New Hampshire emerges from a long winter of ratepayer discontent, the hunt for blameworthy characters continues. Here are some nominations.
InDepthNH.org (https://indepthnh.org/tag/liberty/)
As New Hampshire emerges from a long winter of ratepayer discontent, the hunt for blameworthy characters continues. Here are some nominations.
Second, when real-time prices soar to these heights it means something is wrong with the bulk power transmission system and there is danger of rolling blackouts or, worse, an uncontrolled system failure.
What a year 2022 has been for the state’s beleaguered electric customers. Rates soared to astronomical levels – and now, you might conclude, our four utilities even managed to ruin Christmas for thousands and thousands of people.
As natural gas and, especially, electric rates have soared in recent months there is widespread concern that utilities, their shareholders, and their executives are profiting handsomely at the expense of struggling ratepayers.
Acknowledging the financial impact to New Hampshire consumers is a “significant concern,” the state’s Public Utilities Commission nonetheless approved a six-month, 112 percent increase in the kilowatt-hour cost of electricity for the state’s largest utility as had been feared and expected.
If there is a fundamental truth that applies to ratepayer advocacy, it is this: The customer has the only wallet in the room.
Ever so quietly, a battle for the soul of New Hampshire’s electricity grid is raging.