Now Is The Worst of Times
Happy Thanksgiving and pass the Moderna please. Last week New Hampshire hit its all-time high for active COVID-19 cases, approaching 8,000.
InDepthNH.org (https://indepthnh.org/tag/distant-dome/page/2/)
Happy Thanksgiving and pass the Moderna please. Last week New Hampshire hit its all-time high for active COVID-19 cases, approaching 8,000.
The German government in the 1930s passed a law that required individuals to report anyone who spoke against the Nazi party, its leaders or the government.
The Legislature has experienced outbreaks as well, including early in the session when then-House Speaker Dick Hinch died from COVID-19.
The politics surrounding the pandemic have become more toxic than the disease.
The divide that began growing after the Sept. 11 attacks, led to another day that most everyone will remember where they were when it happened.
For example, New Hampshire has three counties that lost population in the last decade, Coos, Sullivan and Cheshire.
There are any number of controversial provisions including the divisive concepts section that is not quite the prohibition on teaching controversial racial or sexual concepts as the original but certainly would prohibit critical race theory in public schools and universities.
Change often goes unnoticed if it is done in quiet little steps.
The full House has yet to take action on any bill while the Senate held one session day last week and has another scheduled this week with at least two controversial bills: an independent redistricting commission and right-to-work.