Roger Wood Indepth on Portsmouth Police Ethics

The recent firing of Portsmouth Police Detective Aaron Goodwin and the resignation of Police Chief Stephen Dubois bring police ethics under the spotlight. Goodwin was fired after a city commission determined he acted wrongfully in accepting a 2.7 million dollar inheritance from an elderly woman he befriended. While the chief told the Portsmouth Herald that a thorough investigation of the officer’s relationship with Geraldine Webber found no wrongdoing, witnesses testified there was no investigation, and that police officials turned a blind eye toward one of their own. Roger Wood reached out to the head of the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of police for an interview, and received no response on the issue of police ethics. But Richard Beary, president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police responded.

Roger Wood Indepth: Blue Ocean Society Cleans Up

LISTEN HERE ….. This Saturday, Sept. 19, you may see fewer tourists on New Hampshire beaches. But that doesn’t mean those beaches will be empty. More than 2,000 volunteers are expected to participate in the 25th.

NH Remembers

Listen here ….. Roger Wood remembers the day 14 years ago when Americans were riveted to TV and radio to see and hear of the death and devastation from the worst attacks on U.S. soil in history. He spoke to both New Hampshire Senators at the remembrance in Portsmouth today, Sept. 11, 2015.