Your search for northern pass returned 619 results

Let’s Revisit Business Secrecy Exemptions As Energy Week Meets Sunshine Week

Rather, because Sunshine Week is a celebration of the virtues of government transparency, this is a great time to consider the extent to which secrecy is impeding the development of great energy policy… Plus, I am convinced that ratepayers get better outcomes at the PUC the more sunshine there is.

March 11, 2018 |

Opponents To OffShore Drilling To Rally in Concord March 5

Opponents to offshore drilling are planning to rally outside the official public meeting today (Monday, March 5) outside at the Holiday Inn, from at 3 p.m. until 4 p.m. at the corner of Main and Centre Streets in Downtown Concord. Inside the Holiday Inn from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m., the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management will host a public meeting.

March 5, 2018 |

Just Another Routine Thursday for New Hampshire Ratepayers

One would hope that the SEC’s decision would point Eversource and other industry payers in the direction of more local and small-scale projects when it comes to needed improvements to our energy infrastructure.  Energy efficiency, demand response, micro-grids, battery storage, and small-scale generation facilities are the kind of infrastructure that does not require SEC approval, yet all count.

February 5, 2018 |

Marathon To Raise $20,412 In 3 Days To Be Matched For

Dear Supporter, Thanks to all who have given already. Help save real news in NH. We have three days to raise $20,412 that will be matched. Can we do it, NH? I say let’s give it our best shot. belongs to you. Even $5 helps. Watch for more marathon updates on’s Facebook page, too. Share with your friends. This is the future of NH news. — Nancy West

December 28, 2017 |