Nancy Sununu, Former NH First Lady and Governor’s Mother, Dies After Battling Alzheimer’s
Former New Hampshire First Lady Nancy H. Sununu, mother of current governor, Chris Sununu, has died. (
Political news for New Hampshire and beyond.
Former New Hampshire First Lady Nancy H. Sununu, mother of current governor, Chris Sununu, has died.
Four of the seven candidates on the ballot next Tuesday for the Republican Congressional District 1 primary race debated the issues Friday night at the last of the week-long live events on WMUR.
The Speaker of the House and 30 other Republican lawmakers argue the state Supreme Court should overturn the landmark Claremont education decisions as the justices erred in determining the state had an obligation to provide every child with an adequate education and to pay for it
What is believed to likely be a close primary race between Colin Van Ostern of Concord and Maggie Goodlander of Nashua for the Democratic nomination for the Second Congressional District turned into a learning session for a half hour debate on WMUR-TV Thursday night.
National border security, the economy and inflation were among the issues that three of the 13 candidates for the Republican primary in the Congressional District 2 race got a chance to debate before a live television audience in a WMUR debate Thursday night.
The cyanobacteria warnings have been decreased to watches for Governor’s Island, The Broads, and Wolfeboro areas of Lake Winnipesaukee. The watches remain for the Alton and Tuftonboro areas.
With recent polls showing more than 20 percent of likely voters have yet to decide on a candidate, three seeking the Democratic nomination for governor of New Hampshire debated Wednesday night about their positions on abortion, legalization of cannabis, housing and education.
The federal dollars that help prevent a debilitating recession fueled state revenues, but now more than half of the states — including New Hampshire — are experiencing lower revenues than the year before.
The state’s housing and homeless crisis and illegal immigration were among the top issues addressed by Republican gubernatorial candidates Kelly Ayotte of Nashua and Chuck Morse of Atkinson who took to the television airwaves live Tuesday night for the first of four nights of debates sponsored by WMUR-TV at St. Anselm College.