A Date With Destiny Can Be a Real Bummer, Sen. Flake

Radio Free New Hampshire: Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, whose very name calls out for rough treatment at the hands of President Trump, made news recently for encouraging other Republicans to run against their dear leader in the 2020 election.

Northern Pass Update Monday in Lancaster

On Monday, March 26th, Lancaster Democrats will host Attorney Bob Baker of Columbia, a leading opponent of the proposed Northern Pass project, to clarify the current status of Northern Pass.

Exeter High Soars Past Oyster River High

Oyster River High School became the first team this season to ace the Granite State Challenge lightning round, answering 10 out of 10 questions correctly in just 60 seconds.

Our New Hampshire Life Reboots With Photos by Elizabeth Ruediger of Dummer

OK, we’ve been on break in posting your photos, but we begin again today with Elizabeth Ruediger’s photos from Dummer and the March For Our Lives to end gun violence in Washington, D.C. Our New Hampshire Life is a photo series compiled by InDepthNH.org’s photo editor Bob Lapree. 

NH Turns Out For March for our Lives Across the State

Susan Dromey Heeter wrote about the Portsmouth March for Our Lives for her weekly column Joyful Musings and decided to stick around and get some photos and videos. Rallies were also held in Nashua, Lancaster, and Concord. Bethany Silva captured this photo in Concord.

She Muses Joy, But This NH Teacher/Mom/Writer Is Angry, Too, On March for Lives Day

As a high school teacher I’d really like to teach my subject matter rather than spend countless hours planning escape routes. I understand completely the need for preparation; however, I’d rather spend my energy focused on getting mass shootings to become as foreign to our country as smoking in restaurants, as driving without seat belts.