John Bolton — eyed for Trump post — leads super PAC that employed Cambridge Analytica

If President Donald Trump taps John Bolton as his next national security adviser, the former U.N. ambassador will be forced to reckon with the fate of his political empire, which includes a super PAC that has spent heavily on the services of embattled voter profiling company Cambridge Analytica.

How Do We Keep Bias Out of Stories?

At the beginning of the year, we asked ProPublica Illinois readers what they wanted to know about how we do our work. The questions have been rolling in ever since, and we’ve been answering them in an occasional series of columns. Today, ProPublica Illinois reporter Jason Grottoanswers an inquiry about how we deal with the potential for bias in reporting.

UPDATED VIDEO ADD: Sunshine Week: Expert panel discusses right-to-know issues in New Hampshire

TONIGHT, March 15: A similar panel will discuss right to know issues at Littleton Hospital from 7 to 9 p.m. On Monday, a panel of legal and journalism experts offered differing views of the status of right to know issues in New Hampshire as part of a Sunshine Week discussion sponsored by the New England First Amendment Coalition and Right to Know NH at the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications on Monday.