Who Is My Best Word Friend Judy?
First of all, Judy is someone I’ve been playing Words with Friends with for over seven years. I do not know her last name, where she lives, her family or professional life.
InDepthNH.org (https://indepthnh.org/author/susan-dromey-heeter-indepthnh-org/page/2/)
First of all, Judy is someone I’ve been playing Words with Friends with for over seven years. I do not know her last name, where she lives, her family or professional life.
My mom used those hands for everything – bathing children, changing diapers, braiding hair, cooking, cleaning, knitting, rosary praying, phone cradling, admonishing, writing.
And, dear Musers, if there were a pattern exemplifying this spirit of joy, I’d go with polka dots.
It’s lovely and I think fondly both on getting ready for a church celebration by shining my patent leathers with Vaseline and also uncovering my mother’s stash of Peeps in her closet.
Today I muse joyfully on footwear, on dressing up the southern hemisphere of our bodies, and enjoying that wonderful fashion of shoes.
I muse joyfully you’ll enjoy the game on Sunday and continue to pay attention to the way public education is being tackled in this state. No touchdowns, no good commercials, no great snacks. S
Talk about a gift of realizing the gift that is health, the gift I’ve taken for granted for decades.
How was yours, dear muser? Eventful? Dull? Healthy? Did you clean out that closet? Lose that weight? Make it to work?
And, as last week was a tough one, I am reminded, dear Joyful Musers, that simple is key to so much. Vote. Call your representatives, your senators, your governors and state whatever is your truth. Write. Write. Write.