‘The Situation Room,’ a Review by Monica Reads
Have you ever wondered about the so-called Situation Room that pops up on the news when something is happening in the world that we should find interesting, if not scary?
InDepthNH.org (https://indepthnh.org/author/monica-west/)
Have you ever wondered about the so-called Situation Room that pops up on the news when something is happening in the world that we should find interesting, if not scary?
“The Trials of Harry S. Truman” reveals a very sociable man who loved to debate and loved the back and forth wrangling involved in political adventures. He was smart and social and loved to talk.
It is interesting and engaging and frightening and heartfelt. I cried and I laughed and I was certainly inspired and grateful to be an American.
This book will make you think. This book will make you want to cry. This book will make you want to talk to the rest of the world about the precipice we all stand on.
If you are interested in the history of the world, you will love this book. It was a stretch for me to pick it up at the library. It was a huge leap of faith to think it would be interesting.
The burden of deaths that they witnessed and the gritty show of love and purposefulness in what they were doing during the whole of the war was an incredible feat of the writer to make it so real and heart-breaking as well as heart-warming.
I encourage everyone of any age to read “My Friend Anne Frank.” But first please read “The Diary of Anne Frank” and of course the “Diary of Petr Ginz,” the story of a young Jewish boy who lived in Czechoslovakia during World War II and died in Auschwitz at age 16.
This diary was kept by a 14, 15, and 16-year-old young man caught up in the horrors of the Holocaust.