The Fly Tying Season in NH
The day is overcast and cannot make its mind up if it wants to rain or snow or do both. A day like this could become a shoveling nightmare.
InDepthNH.org (https://indepthnh.org/author/george-liset/page/6/)
The day is overcast and cannot make its mind up if it wants to rain or snow or do both. A day like this could become a shoveling nightmare.
It seems like I just finished doing my taxes and now they are due again. The year just flew by, but fortunately I crammed a lot of fishing and traveling in.
When I saw that the Great Bay Trout Unlimited Chapter 613 was hosting author David Van Wie I asked Coach Jim Boulanger (Coach B ) to go along for a ride. David has written what I consider a new fly fishing classic. I am an avid reader and writer and I don’t say that lightly.