Meet the Panama Papers Editor Who Handled 376 Reporters in 80 Countries

As the Panama Papers continue to embarrass leaders across continents, one thought has kept occurring to me: How the hell did the organizers pull it off? I mean, how did they corral hundreds of reporters? How did they make sense of so many documents? And, most importantly, how did they stay sane during it all? So I spoke with Marina Walker Guevara, who helped shepherd the project.

OSHA Accused of Retaliating Against One of its Own Investigators

Darrell Whitman, in a whistleblower claim filed last week with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, charges that the San Francisco regional office of OSHA’s Whistleblower Protection Program routinely dumped legitimate complaints.

Roger Wood Indepth: New Rule Protects Retirement Savings

Roger Wood podcast helps you answer this question. How do you know that your financial advisers are putting your interests over their own? A new fiduciary rule just finalized by the U.S. Department of Labor is expected to address that.

Air Force To Fund Cleanup of Contaminated Wells at Pease

The city of Portsmouth is moving forward with mitigation of the contaminants in three wells located at Pease International Tradeport, which are all polluted at some level with perflurochemical compounds, PFC’s.