Should Have Said No To The Dress

“Just click here.” It’s a command I muse joyfully I will not hear as much as my spring progresses. I’m done with clicking and mousing and screens. I’m ready to click off.

Celebrating the Ability To Float

And I muse joyfully on plans, on skills to be mastered but today I celebrate my little next door neighbor who just learned how to swim.

Please Stay in Your Lois Lane

Last week in Hannaford, a gentleman, let’s call him the Penguin, came up behind me at the check-out, put his items on the belt about two inches from my items.

How Will You Do Your 1,000 Hours Outside?

Currently, I am working on 1,000 Hours Outside, hoping by the end of 2021, that I have filled my tracker with colors and recalled the walks, the swims, the bikes, the skates, the gazes, the discoveries.