NH Students Fight To Ban Possession of Shark Fins

Roger Wood InDepthNH: A group of students from the New Hampshire Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals program at Stratham traveled to Concord to testify in favor of legislation to ban possession of shark fins.

Plummer Endowment To Help Addicted Service Members

Helping military members and their families is the object of a new endowment that is being helped by a sizable donation from a Portsmouth couple.  The Dan and Renee Plummer Endowment Fund will provide support for New Hampshire service members who are battling addiction.

Prof Says Economy Would Soar Under Sanders’ Plan; He Donates To Clinton

Roger Wood Podcast: University of Massachusetts Economics Professor Gerald Friedman likes what he sees in Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ economic growth plan, but he likes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a candidate, too. Over 10 years, Friedman estimated under Sanders’ plan, the median income would increase $22,000 and 26 million jobs would be created. The unemployment rate would be 3.8 percent and the poverty rate would be cut in half, he said.

At The Polls: The Man Who Saved NH’s Primary

While voters headed to the polls in the nation’s first Presidential primary, Jim Splaine, the man who ensured it would continue to be number one, was in his usual place – outside in the February cold campaigning for his favorite candidate.

New Poll Shows Sanders Leading Clinton 2 to 1 in NH

The just completed poll of 751 randomly selected New Hampshire adults showed if the election were held today, 61 per cent would support Sanders, with 31 per cent favoring the former Secretary of State and first lady, with 8 percent undecided.

Grateful for Medical Care After Hampton Plane Crash

Two men aboard a Piper Cherokee had just landed at the strip off Route 1 testing the newly installed asphalt runway.  When pilot Ronald Gagnon of Biddeford, Maine, took off, the wind did shift suddenly, putting his craft in a tail wind.

Roger Wood Podcast: A Night of High Drama in Iowa

Some candidates, including early favorite Jeb Bush, along with Chris Christie and John Kasich, have returned to New Hampshire disappointed in their showings in the Midwest. Others are celebrating, among them Bernie Sanders who tied with Hillary Clinton.