Does NH Beat Florida For Retirement? You Decide.
A recent article in rated Florida number two and New Hampshire number one for places to retire. (
Roger Wood
Roger Wood produces a podcast called “Roger Wood Indepth” covering news and life in New Hampshire. Wood is a well-known, award-winning radio, television and newspaper journalist with more than 30 years of experience. He has written and produced news and features for many radio stations and networks over the years.
A recent article in rated Florida number two and New Hampshire number one for places to retire.
The Seacoast Region continues to be the hot spot for real estate transactions.
Some worried Seacoast area residents are wondering if there is something in the environment that is causing the still small number of cancer cases among children.
Hew Hampshire Sierra Club: To the ski resort, Mount Sunapee is the goose that laid the golden egg and they want more golden eggs. NHSC wants the public land made for the public.
There are conflicting reports on when the new Boeing KC-46A refueling tankers will be ready for deployment. Eighteen of the new aircraft are scheduled to be housed at Pease Air National Guard Base in Portsmouth.
“Without Charlie, there would be no local sports or news.”
“We are calling for the Governor and Executive Council to delay their vote which is expected on Wednesday, so that the public can understand the proposal, because it was just announced last week….on Thursday,” Catherine Corkery.
Jim Fadden, president of the NH Maple Producers Association has been urging members of the Congressional delegations in the region to back their position that they’re being undermined by “fake” marketing.
Roger Wood Podcast: After the last snows melt and before the spring peepers sound, you’ll likely spot some vernal pools, temporary habitat for frogs, salamanders and other creatures that breed there.
A crowd of enthusiastic supporters who want to preserve the city’s Peirce Island exhibited their determination outside city hall Monday night.