Who’s Running Against Whom For What and Where in NH

When the filing period closed June 15, the Democrats had candidates running for all 24 seats and Republicans had 23 candidates filed and probably a write-in campaign will be in the works to find an opponent for District 4 incumbent David Watters of Dover in the general election.

What Has 11 Democrats, 6 Republicans and 1 Libertarian?

The First Congressional District race to replace U.S. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, who is not seeking re-election. And another 7 Republicans and 2 Libertarians seeking their parties’ nominations for the Second Congressional District seat held by Democratic incumbent Ann McLane Kuster of Hopkinton.
Who has a million dollar campaign war chest?

Voting Bill Heads to the Supreme Court As Lawmakers Head Home At Week’s End

You could ask how does a state budget go $100 million out of whack in a half-a-dozen months.

Lawmakers will grapple with that question this week in what are expected to be the final sessions of the 2017-18 legislature bar an adverse Supreme Court ruling on voting rights after lawmakers go home at the end of the week.