Your search for northern pass returned 619 results

Coos County Leaders Told Public Meeting on Logging v. Carbon Credits Being Planned

A public meeting is being planned in Pittsburg later this summer when the new owner of the 146,400-acre Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Tract will present a new version of its plan to cut wood for the next 10 years on land it has enrolled as a carbon credit farm, but which also has a state easement attached.

July 29, 2024 |

Sununu Talks Cannabis, Hospital Funding, Transgender Bills and Death With Dignity

Lashing out at some hospital executives who have criticized his plan to redistribute millions in federal funding away from them to community-based mental health and substance abuse treatment next year, Gov. Chris Sununu said they are not very community-minded in finding a solution to the mental health crisis.

May 15, 2024 |