Bobcat Controversy Film To Be Shown at State House March 29

CORRECTION ON DATE: The 15-minute film “Protect the Bobcat: A New Hampshire Wildlife Story” on the controversial proposal to remove the bobcat from protection and allow a trapping and trophy hunting season will be shown this coming Tuesday, March 29, at noon in the State House cafeteria in Concord.

What the Press Was Doing As Flint Water Crisis Worsened

MUCKREADS: The outcry over the public health crisis in Flint, Mich., has intensified in recent days, with President Obama promising $80 million in water infrastructure money and the head of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Midwest region resigning. But the problem has been brewing for years. Here is some of the best reporting we’ve seen on the failures that led up to Flint’s water crisis.

Let There Be Light (From Solar Panels on This Durham Church Roof)

Light from the sun is not only streaming through the stained-glass windows, but is also helping with the electricity bills.

The roof of the Durham Unitarian Univeralist Fellowship on Madbury Road is covered with an array of panels that are capable of generating some 13 kilowatts of power, according to Michael Fleming, a member of the church’s fellowship.