ACLU NH: AG Is Wrong About Ed. Savings Accounts, SB 193

ACLU NH:  If the Attorney General’s Office wishes to render a legal opinion on the constitutionality of legislation, there is a public process of doing so under RSA 7:7.  All such opinions must be, for the sake of transparency and accountability, made available to all legislators, as well as members of the public, so informed decisions can be made.

Failing Charter Schools Have a Reincarnation Plan

While it’s widely known that private schools convert to charter status to take advantage of public dollars, more schools are now heading in the opposite direction. As voucher programs across the country proliferate, shuttered charter schools, like the Orange Park Performing Arts Academy, have begun to privatize in order to stay open with state assistance.

Shea-Porter Blasts Trump Anti-Trans Tweets

Rep. Carol Shea-Porter: “This morning’s tweets from the President are a disgraceful slap in the face to the thousands of transgender troops who are actively serving our country, and to all transgender Americans who aspire to serve. ..”