Morse, Ayotte Spar in WMUR’s GOP Gubernatorial Debate

The state’s housing and homeless crisis and illegal immigration were among the top issues addressed by Republican gubernatorial candidates Kelly Ayotte of Nashua and Chuck Morse of Atkinson who took to the television airwaves live Tuesday night for the first of four nights of debates sponsored by WMUR-TV at St. Anselm College.

Form of Cyanobacteria, Gloeotrichia Causes Multiple Lake Winnipesaukee Warnings

The state Department of Environmental Services reports a form of cyanobacteria known as gloeotrichia which presents as blobs floating up and down in the water column, are the primary concern on the Big Lake while other water bodies are having some form of cyanobacteria warnings or watches including Lake Wentworth in Wolfeboro and Pool Pond in Rindge.