Stockbridge Theatre Presents Cirque US: One Man’s Trash

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(DERRY, NH) Stockbridge Theatre is delighted to announce an exciting circus performance, One Man’s Trash, which will be performed on February 22, 2024, at 7 pm.

Originally produced in 2016 and following the overwhelming success of its 2022-2023 revival, acclaimed circus company Cirque Us, “One Man’s Trash” is back again in 2024 for its fourth national tour. With the limitless spirit and can-do attitude of the circus, this cast reclaims and reanimates all that’s left in trash cans and littered in the garage to create a junkyard adventure like none other. Featuring a variety of unique and daring circus acts, the show is a testament to the power of community and teamwork.  Be it the pass of a juggling club or the leap of an acrobat, “One Man’s Trash” is ready to prove what we’re capable of–what we’re all capable of–together. The company’s band of inventive acrobats, aerialists, and quirky clowns are just bursting to welcome you into their world!

Artistic Director Doug Stewart founded Cirque Us in 2016. Based in New England, the Cirque Us team now draws performers, directors, educators, technicians, and choreographers from all over the United States. Their circus collective seeks to bring the most passionate, committed, and talented circus artists to the hearts of local communities, whether it’s through a performative or educational lens.

DATE: February 22, 2024, at 7 pm.

VENUE: Stockbridge Theatre

ADDRESS: 44 N Main St, Derry, NH

TICKETS: Tickets are available at by calling the box office at 603-437-5210

For more information please contact:

Shannon Mayers, Director, Stockbridge Theatre or call at 603-437-5200 x5112

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