Jennie Lucas Is Ready for ‘SERIOUS Change in Washington’


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I am an independent voter and I plan to choose a democratic ballot and vote for Dean Phillips in the primary. I’m ready for SERIOUS change in Washington and we’re not going to get it by voting in the party’s choice.

Also, all the independents who are going to choose a Republican ballot just to vote against Donald Trump are delusional, he’s going to run away with that party’s nomination. And all those choosing to write in “ceasefire” (not even sure how big of a movement that is, or if certain NH news outlets are just hyping it like it actually is big) are copping out – they’d be better off choosing a candidate and writing letters to their congressmen and women.

I would love for any (or all) NH news outlets to actually cover equally and fairly ALL the different candidates for a change.

Thank you!
Jennie Lucas
Waterville Valley

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