Edith Tucker, Journalism and Life: Purpose Driven and Down to Earth

Edith Tucker

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NH Secrets, Legends & Lore

Listen here: https://feeds.podetize.com/_GE6C9w1b.mp3
Show notes: https://nhsecrets.blogspot.com/2023/04/ep-92-edith-tucker-journalism-and-life.html

Described by the great John Harrigan as a first-rate journalist, Edith Tucker had already experienced a full and consequential life before a later life conversion to journalist. She dropped out of college to marry and then, in addition to raising four children, she got involved in local government, first in Pelham, NY and then in Wellesley, MA where she served as Chair of the Finance Committee and on the school board for nine years. She became an activist in the women’s movement and fair housing and attended the 1976 Republican National Convention. After meeting the great Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith, Galbraith hired her to work for him, assisting him in the transcription and writing of his books and speeches and later serving as his appointment secretary.

Edith was not the kind to let any grass grow under her feet so when a later employer moved his business to her hometown, saving her more than an hour commute each way, she decided to fill in those two hours by going back to college. She was accepted at Wellesley College as a Davis Scholar, majoring in Government. A non-traditional student she was nervous about her ability to jump back into academic life – especially while working full time. She didn’t need to worry, because she graduated summa cum laude and won the Erasmus Prize in history, bolstered by a paper that she wrote about the treatment of Chinese laborers in Massachusetts’ Shoe Factories, a paper that influenced the State’s adoption of the Chinese Inclusion Act.

In 1994 she and her husband moved to New Hampshire and she went to work at the Berlin Reporter and later moved to the Coos County Democrat, owned by John Harrigan.

A three-term state legislator during the last six years Edith has done a lot of thinking about some of the great issues we face in our country. The wisdom of her thoughts will make this podcast very enjoyable for you.

Wayne D. King

64 Monroe Rd., Bath, NH 03740

603-530-4460 Cell

www.Anamaki.com : Productions & Studios

www.WayneDKing.com : Fine Art



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