Sugaring Off With Uncle Harry in Thornton a Long Time Ago

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Warm springs Sundays after church …

A new feature shortcast from Wayne D. King

New Hampshire Secrets, Legends and Lore

I remember as if it was yesterday, though at least 45 years have passed.

Wayne D. King

Warm spring Sundays, filled with the hope that spring always brings. Sun shining on my face as I left church and greeted Uncle Harry at the door. Uncle Harry was a deacon in our church and he wasn’t my uncle – he was everyone’s uncle.

Find more of Wayne D. King’s podcasts here

His kindly face, worn with the seasons of a Yankee native’s life, would beam as he leaned down to remind me of the sugaring off party at his sugarhouse that afternoon and called me “dear” in that rich North Country accent that resonates still in my brain.

About Wayne D. King

The Hon. Wayne D. King
787 Stinson Lake Rd.
PO Box 500
Rumney, NH 03266
603-786-9378 Tel
603-530-4460 Cell
waynedking: Skype

Podcasts: The Radical Centrist Podcast

New Hampshire Secrets, Legends and Lore
Support the Work of Wayne King:. Become a Patron of The Radical Centrist at
Coming Soon: Common Sense for Our Times: Steady Hands and Open Hearts Renewing the American Idea in the Post Trump Era*NEW!*
*Sacred Trust, a Novel*
“The Monkey Wrench Gang Meets the Third Industrial Revolution”

The View from Rattlesnake Ridge 
New England Newspaper & Press Assoc. award winning column by Wayne King at, New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism’s website. 
*Art: **The Best of Wayne King* – The Artist’s Best Selling and favorite 
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and new images by Wayne. Join now and you’ll receive a free PDF version of Asquamchumaukee – Place of Mountain Waters, a photographic ramble through the Baker River Valley of NH by Wayne. 

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