Five-term Democrat Rep. Renny Cushing Wants Your Vote

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State Rep. Renny Cushing, D-Hampton is publishing all candidate, business, government and citizen news releases along with video selfies on what YOU want for YOUR country in the days before the election and beyond. email them to 

By state Rep. Renny Cushing, D-Hampton

Dear Hampton friends and neighbors,

On Tuesday we go to the polls and I respectfully ask you to please vote for my re-election as a state representative for District 21 (Hampton).

In the five terms I have served as a lawmaker I have tried to a thoughtful, hardworking, and effective voice for the people of Hampton in the State House. By building bridges across party lines and regional divides, by listening and focusing on problem solving instead of embracing cynicism and despair, over the past two years I have passed important legislation that impacts directly upon the people of Hampton and our state.

With the help of members of law enforcement, defense lawyers, civil libertarians, media representatives, and victim advocates,  I sponsored and helped craft bipartisan legislation to promote the use of body-worn cameras by police to help make our communities safer.

Working with commercial and recreational fishing families I passed legislation to try to help preserve our traditional fishing industry.

Working with crime victims and other allies, I wrote successful legislation that banned human trafficking, made domestic violence a crime, kept dangerous firearms out of the hands of people convicted of battering their spouses and intimate partners, secured additional funds for shelters for victims of domestic abuse and their children, and required individuals convicted of rape and murder and other violent crimes to appear in Court at sentencing to hear directly from victims the impact that the evil of crime had upon their lives.

In the next two years and beyond, our town, our seacoast region, and our state face a number of ongoing challenges. Some work I want to accomplish if re-elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives includes:

Bringing our Courthouse back to Hampton to make it easier for people to have access to justice;

Leading the fight to end the sweetheart deals and tax loopholes for large corporations the state has mandated upon some municipalities that costs Hampton a half-million dollars in tax revenue each year and forces the rest of us to pay more in property taxes;

Continuing the effort I began this year to restore state aid grants for municipal water and sewer projects so that infrastructure projects vital to our public health—such as the replacement of the sewer line from Hampton Beach to the treatment plant–can move forward;

Advocating for a return of state school building aid so as Hampton moves forward to renovate our middle school, Hampton Academy, the state contributes its fair share to education;

Challenging the state’s broken promise to contribute to a portion of the retirement of local police, fire and teachers, by pushing to reinstate the law that was repealed in 2011 that imposed property tax increases on Hampton and other communities;

Ending the practice of sending people severe mental illness who have never engaged in unlawful activity inside the state prison. Mental illness is a disease, not a crime; and

Working to promote our local economy, protect our environment, and transition to a sustainable energy system.

Whether you are a newcomer or lifelong resident, a Democrat, Republican, or Independent Voter, we are vital parts of the Hampton community, and if re-elected I will do my best to serve you, and I respectfully ask for your vote.


Robert Renny Cushing

395 Winnacunnet Rd

Hampton, NH.