Portsmouth Police Chief David Mara Looks Ahead

InDepthNH.org Podcaster Roger Wood caught up with Portsmouth’s new Interim Police Chief David Mara to talk about taking over the department after more than a year of scandalous revelations. Mara formerly served as police chief in Manchester, the state’s largest city.

Let There Be Light (From Solar Panels on This Durham Church Roof)

Light from the sun is not only streaming through the stained-glass windows, but is also helping with the electricity bills.

The roof of the Durham Unitarian Univeralist Fellowship on Madbury Road is covered with an array of panels that are capable of generating some 13 kilowatts of power, according to Michael Fleming, a member of the church’s fellowship.

Eversource Touts Schiller Station’s Wood-Fired Boiler

Schiller Station’s wood-chip boiler has earned state and national recognition for its record of clean power generation starting with the Environmental Protection Agency, but some residents across the river in Eliot, Maine, claim that sulfur pollutants from the plant have affected their health.