Sierra Club: Delay Fast Vote on Mt Sunapee Expansion

“We are calling for the Governor and Executive Council to delay their vote which is expected on Wednesday, so that the public can understand the proposal, because it was just announced last week….on Thursday,” Catherine Corkery.

NH Wants Halt To Fake Syrup ‘Sappers’

Jim Fadden, president of the NH Maple Producers Association has been urging members of the Congressional delegations in the region to back their position that they’re being undermined by “fake” marketing.

Walking On the Wild Side of NH

Roger Wood Podcast: After the last snows melt and before the spring peepers sound, you’ll likely spot some vernal pools, temporary habitat for frogs, salamanders and other creatures that breed there.

Portsmouth Protesters Gather Monday Night Against Peirce Island Plant

Roger Wood InDepth caught up with a number of the residents who oppose the more than $80 million Peirce Island Wastewater Treatment Plant, which passed its hurdle of $75 million dollars in bonding by an 8 to 1 Portsmouth City Council vote, with Councilor Eric Spear voting from telephone.