Organizing luncheon platters for distribution on Christmas Day are, from left, Linda Rockenmacher, Marsha Paiste, Jake Berry and Denis Paiste. The Berry family made deliveries to Manchester police and fire stations. Photo Courtesy of TAY Brotherhood
MANCHESTER – The Jewish Almanac notes: “In Jewish tradition, gemilut hasadim are a category of mitzvot (good deeds) that obligate the individual to act in certain ways on certain occasions as a mark of basic human decency and respect towards others, living or dead, rich or poor, using one’s time, effort, and money whenever necessary.”
They are deeds of lovingkindness involving “a degree of gentleness, extreme care, affection, tenderness – a summoning of all the human resources of sympathy for the benefit of others.”
The Temple Adath Yeshurun Christmas Mitzvah Program, on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, organized by the TAY Brotherhood, has been in existence now for over 40 years. It is a fine example of how members of our Manchester Jewish community have been giving back to their non-Jewish community, with enthusiasm, feeling and caring.
Above, Traveling trio, from left, Phoebe Uman, DG Krasner and Maxine Mosley set out from Temple Adath Yeshurun in Manchester with platters for delivery to several Manchester fire stations on Christmas Day. Photo Courtesy of TAY Brotherhood
In past years this has included helping to prepare and serve meals at New Horizons Soup Kitchen, covering the information desks at Catholic Medical Center and Elliot Hospital on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, delivering Meals on Wheels in Manchester and Bedford, helping with the Bingo game at the Veterans Administration Hospital, and delivering luncheon food platters to the Police and Fire Stations in Manchester and Bedford. Attached to the food platters is a note: “Happy Holidays from your friends in the Jewish community. Thank you for all you do!”
Then, four years ago, along came COVID 19…and the only traditional Mitzvah event in 2020 was the delivery of luncheon platters on Christmas Day to the Manchester and Bedford Police and Fire Stations. This tradition has continued. Following the decrease in COVID, we resumed covering the Elliot Hospital Information Desk on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
This year there were, thankfully, no bad weather conditions. We once again delivered luncheon platters to the Manchester and Bedford Police and Fire Stations, and also Candia Police Station, on Christmas Day and covered the information desk at Elliot Hospital on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
We are so grateful for all who stepped up to volunteer to help out with this year’s event. Thank you to Gail Ellis, Ed Schoen, Alan and Ellie Rudnick, Harvey and Elaine Bloom, Bob and Dave Katchen, Judith Jolton, Reva Rovner, Berry Family, Ratinoff-Leapley Family, Norm and Andy Kushner, David and Lisa Schechtman, Warshaw Family, Phoebe Uman, DG Krasner, Maxine Mosley, Annette and Rick Kurman and Hazel Ali, Rabbi Beth Davidson, and Cliff Lopate.
Above, Annette and Rick Kurman are set to deliver luncheon platters to Bedford police and fire on Christmas Day from Temple Adath Yeshurun Brotherhood. Attached to the food platters is a note: “Happy Holidays from your friends in the Jewish community. Thank you for all you do!” Photo Courtesy of TAY Brotherhood
Our Brotherhood banner in the TAY social hall says: “Service, Community, Fellowship,” and our Sisterhood banner there says: “Friendship, Enrichment, Community, Heart.”
“Community” is a key component of the missions of both groups. As is stated in our Brotherhood Constitution: “The purpose of the Brotherhood shall be to act as an arm of the congregation to further the purposes and objectives of the Congregation, to perform worthwhile acts of service to our Temple and our community, and to develop and build friendship and fellowship among its members.”
“Any male affiliated with the Jewish community, whether or not through membership with a temple, through marriage or conversion who shall join the Brotherhood and subscribe to the Constitution thereof, shall be entitled to full membership.”
Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year, Sol and Linda Rockenmacher, Denis and Marsha Paiste
Temple Adath Yeshurun President Eric Ratinoff, left, and his son, Simon, were among the volunteers who delivered luncheon platters to local police and fire departments on Christmas Day.
Photo Courtesy of TAY Brotherhood