AFSC Launches Billboard, Radio Ads To Promote Welcoming Communities for Immigrants

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In New Hampshire, the billboard location is Elm Street in downtown Manchester, close to the SNHU arena.

MANCHESTER, NH (October 15, 2024) – American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) has launched a month-long billboard and radio ad campaign from October 7 to November 3, 2024. The ads offer a positive message about the strength of immigrant communities and welcome all people to the U.S. The campaign will run in New Jersey, Colorado, New Hampshire, Florida, California, and Oregon. In New Hampshire, the location is Elm Street in downtown Manchester, close to the SNHU arena.

AFSC believes that people who migrate should be welcomed, and their basic human and civil rights should be respected. This campaign aims to provide alternative, positive, and welcoming messages towards migrants as a counter to the virulent xenophobic anti-immigrant messaging that has become part of mainstream conversations.

“There is no question that our communities are stronger with immigrants. We are launching this campaign to reaffirm our commitment to welcome immigrants, and we want that message to be heard and seen far and wide,” said Amy Gottlieb, U.S. Migration Director, AFSC. “Most people intuitively support fair, equitable immigration policies, but are influenced by political leaders and a media landscape full of misinformation and racism. Our campaign is working to counter that narrative.”

AFSC believes that everyone deserves a chance to build a good life, regardless of where they were born or when or how they migrate. But right now, migrants are too often subjected to unnecessary harm and suffering. AFSC provides an alternative to this narrative with six principles of welcoming, just, and dignified approaches to immigration. You can read these principles here.

“At AFSC, we take direction from people directly impacted by injustice and help organize immigrants and allies striving for immigrant justice. We resist deportation, lift up positive narratives, and successfully advocate for policy change,” said Maggie Fogarty, AFSC’s New Hampshire Program Director. “Our hope with this ad campaign is that the hundreds of thousands of people it will reach in NH – and millions across the US – will be motivated to welcome immigrants into their communities and enact policies that promote dignity and respect.” You can read more about AFSC New Hampshire’s work here

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The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) promotes a world free of violence, inequality, and oppression. Guided by the Quaker belief in the divine light within each person, we nurture the seeds of change and the respect for human life to fundamentally transform our societies and institutions. We work with people and partners worldwide, of all faiths and backgrounds, to meet urgent community needs, challenge injustice, and build peace.

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