Senate Judiciary Panel Opposes Bills Expanding and Protecting Abortion Rights

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Senate Judiciary Committee is pictured meeting Tuesday.

CONCORD – The Senate Judiciary Committee voted along party lines 3-2 Tuesday to recommend two bills to expand and protect abortion rights be inexpedient to legislate.

The committee voted in opposition to HB 224, to repeal criminal and civil penalties from the state’s 24-week abortion ban, and HB 88, the Access to Abortion-care Act. These two bills passed the New Hampshire House of Representatives with bipartisan support in March. They next go to the full Senate for a vote on Thursday, April 13.

Assistant Democratic Leader Becky Whitley, D-Hopkinton, and Sen. Shannon Chandley, D-Amherst, stated, “It is deeply disappointing that the majority of the Senate Judiciary Committee chose not to affirm the right to abortion care in New Hampshire today, especially since there are efforts nationwide, and in our state, to further rollback abortion care.”

Kayla Montgomery, Vice President for Public Affairs at Planned Parenthood of Northern New England and Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund, released the following statement:

“While we are disappointed the Senate Judiciary Committee failed to listen to their constituents or New Hampshire’s esteemed medical community today, we remain hopeful that the full Senate will join their House colleagues to act to protect Granite Staters’ right to safe, legal abortion and ensure our state’s trusted doctors are not criminalized for providing appropriate, compassionate care.”

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