House Democrats To Hold Additional Public Budget Input in Manchester

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GOP Budget Proposal Threatens Medicaid, Creates New Medicaid Income Tax, Raises Property Taxes, and Benefits the Ultra-Rich at the Expense of Hard Working Granite Staters

Manchester, NH – In response to the NH House GOP’s attempt to rush through a state budget that prioritizes tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and multinational corporations over the needs of working families, House Democrats will hold an additional public input session to ensure Granite Staters’ voices are heard.

When: Saturday, March 22, 10:00 AM
Where: Manchester Public Library Auditorium, 405 Pine St, Manchester

The Republican-led budget slashes Medicaid, cuts critical services, and squeezes working families with a new Medicaid income tax. All while forcing property tax hikes on local communities and burdening working families with higher health care costs. GOP leadership attempted to silence public input by scheduling just one short-noticed hearing in the middle of the workday. House Democrats are making sure that working Granite Staters have a chance to speak up.

“This budget threatens the health and economic security of Granite Staters while giving handouts to big corporations and the ultra-rich,” said House Democratic Leader Alexis Simpson (D-Exeter). “House Republicans may not want to hear from the people, but the voices and stories of hard-working Granite Staters who are struggling to get by deserve more.”

The proposed budget would:

  • Create a new Medicaid income tax to access healthcare for working families
  • Raise healthcare costs 
  • Increase property taxes by forcing towns to cover critical services
  • Make housing and child care and energy even more expensive
  • Give unfair tax breaks to wealthy special interests and big corporations

House Democrats call on Granite Staters to attend the Manchester input session, submit their stories, and speak out against this harmful budget proposal.

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