The 2025 SAA “PENTIMENTO” Scholarship for Art Students 65+

Photo from a Doris Rice watercolor class

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The Seacoast Artist Association in Exeter prides itself in being about community, and a big part of this community is seniors.  This month they are proud to announce the launch of their Pentimento Scholarship for one person aged 65 and over.  

“Most of our members in the SAA are seniors,” says Board VP Debra Woodward, “and though many have been creating their whole lives—even teaching art—a good number did not even begin making art until after retirement. They contribute so much wisdom and positivity to the organization.  We know that not everyone can afford to take classes or to even become a member, so this scholarship made sense.  We do offer a senior membership rate, and being a member gives you a discount for entries into our popular monthly theme shows.” 

 The word “pentimento” is an art term meaning the reappearance in a painting of an original drawn or painted element which was eventually painted over by the artist.  “We thought this would be perfect in hopes that this scholarship uncovers the artist inside.” 

The Pentimento Scholarship offers everything someone needs to begin this new chapter in their lives—a year’s membership; classes from either of two regular art teachers at the SAA, Doris Rice or Revelle Taillon; supplies made possible by a generous contribution from Blick Art Materials; and after they are on their way, entries into two upcoming theme shows.

Doris Rice, watercolorist and teacher at the SAA, pointed out that on a recent CBS Sunday Morning special, Jane Fonda and anti-ageism advocate Ashton Applewhite talked about how engaging in the arts helps seniors live longer and more fulfilling lives: “Jane said that art classes can add an average of seven and a half years to your life.  And she is 87!”  Staying creative and finding community is crucial for adding several years to your lifespan and making those years more fulfilling.  Engaging in the arts boosts mental health, sharpens cognitive function, and offers a sense of accomplishment.  

“Another important aspect of being a member of an organization is ‘community,’ which has always been a main goal of the SAA,” adds Debra.  “The arts provide a wonderful opportunity for seniors to connect with others.  Many students will tell you that they have made lifelong friends from being part of a class and being a member of the SAA.  So, if you know someone who would benefit from this, please nominate them!”  

Nominations should be made by friends or family members of the nominee by April 1.  They need at least two to qualify for consideration.  The award will be given at their Spring Town Hall Show reception on May 9th.  Details are in the entry form found at the gallery and at For more infomation on the Pentimento Scholarship, please email  

The SAA is a non-juried non-profit that encourages artists of all ages to participate in their monthly theme shows.  Scholarships are given out each year to local public high school seniors going on to study art, chosen by their schools.   The gallery is located at 130 Water Street in downtown Exeter. They are open Wed-Sat, 10-5 and Sun 1-4 and you can call them during open hours at 603-778-8856.  

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