Senate President Sharon Carson Announces Leadership, Committee Assignments

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State Sen. Sharon Carson, R-Londonderry

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CONCORD, NH – Senator Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry) has been elected the 132nd President of the New Hampshire Senate for the 2025-2026 legislative session. Senator Carson, who is currently in her ninth term, received a unanimous vote and announced her leadership team today:

   “I am incredibly honored to be elected as the next Senate President. I deeply appreciate that my colleagues trusted me to lead the Senate for the next two years. I will work with the Senate to ensure the Granite State’s continued success and that we firmly defend our highly coveted New Hampshire Advantage.”

   Senator Regina Birdsell, former Senate Majority Whip, commented on being elected the next Senate Majority Leader:

   “It is a privilege to be chosen as the next Senate Majority Leader. I look forward to working with Senate President Sharon Carson to help keep New Hampshire the safest and freest state in the Nation. These accolades weren’t accidental but were obtained through common sense legislation and standing up for Granite Staters. I look forward to working with Senate President Carson and the rest of my Senate Colleagues to make New Hampshire even better.”

Senate President Sharon Carson released her leadership team today:

  • Senator Regina Birdsell – Senate Majority Leader
  • Senator Ruth Ward – Deputy Majority Leader
  • Senator Keith Murphy – Deputy Majority Leader
  • Senator Denise Ricciardi-Deputy Majority Leader
  • Senator Daryl Abbas-President Pro Tempore
  • Senator Dan Innis-Chair, Majority Policy Conference
  • Senator Tim Lang-Senate Majority Whip
  • Senator Kevin Avard-Senate Majority Deputy Whip

Senate President Sharon Carson also released her Senior Staff team today:

Tricia Melillo – Majority Caucus Director

Harold B. Parker- Chief of Staff

Grant Bosse – Deputy Chief of Staff

Kate Lipman – Majority Policy and Special Projects Director

Peter O’Neill- Communications Director

Richard Lehmann – Senate Legal Counsel

CONCORD, NH – Senator Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry) announced the committee announcements for the 2025-2026 Legislative Session:

Election Law and Municipal Affairs:         Judiciary:                                         Health and Human Services:

Chair: Senator Gray                                         Chair: Senator Gannon                     Chair: Senator Rochefort

Vice Chair: Senator Lang                                Vice Chair: Senator Abbas               Vice Chair: Senator Avard

Senator Rochefort                                            Senator Carson                                  Senator Birdsell

Senator Perkins Kwoka                                   Senator Altschiller                            Senator Prentiss

Senator Long                                                    Senator Reardon                               Senator Long

Aide: Jess Bourque                                          Aide: Pete Mulvey                             Aide: Sophie Wash

Commerce:                                                      Finance:                                            ED&A:

Chair: Senator Innis                                         Chair: Senator Gray                          Chair: Senator Pearl

Vice Chair: Senator Ricciardi                         Vice Chair: Senator Innis                 Vice Chair: Senator McGough

Senator Murphy                                               Senator Carson                                  Senator Gannon

Senator McGough                                            Senator Birdsell                                Senator Altschiller

Senator Fenton                                                 Senator Pearl                                     Senator Reardon

Senator Reardon                                              Senator Lang                                     Aide: Kevin Condict

Aide: Aaron Jones                                            Senator Rosenwald

                                                                           Senator Watters

Aide: Deb Martone

Transportation:                                              Ways and Means:                            Capital Budget

Chair: Senator Ricciardi                                  Chair: Senator Lang                          Chair Senator McConkey

Vice Chair: Senator McConkey                      Vice Chair: Senator Murphy            Vice Chair: Senator Gray

Senator Ward                                                    Senator Sullivan                                Senator Carson

Senator Fenton                                                 Senator Rosenwald                           Senator Watters

Senator Prentiss                                               Senator Fenton                                  Senator Fenton

Aide: Vivian Hall                                             Aide: Sonja Caldwell                        Aide: Declan Donohue

Energy                                                              Education                                         Rules

Chair: Senator Avard                                       Chair: Senator Ward                         Chair: Senator Avard

Vice Chair: Senator Pearl                                Vice Chair: Senator Sullivan            Vice Chair: Senator Carson

Senator McConkey                                          Senator Abbas                                   Senator Ward

Senator Watters                                                Senator Prentiss                                Senator Perkins Kwoka

Senator Rosenwald                                          Senator Altschiller                            Senator Rosenwald

Aide: Max Taylor                                             Aide: Ryan Meleedy                          Aide: Declan Donohue

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