Help Save Local News, Your Donation Will Be Doubled!

We are a nonprofit news outlet that launched in 2015 to save local news in New Hampshire, published by the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism. See if you recognize any of these faces and names below. These are the writers and reporters who have helped us get where we are today as New Hampshire's trusted nonprofit news source. Some are still working with us. We'll post our terrific board of directors and volunteers and Friends of another day. We included John Harrigan, bottom line center, who died Dec. 26, 2022 because of how much he helped us over the years. What a friend! Stay with us. Tell your friends. We are growing like gangbusters. These are just some of the amazing people who helped bring into our 9th year. Nancy West at the top. From left each line: Roger Wood, George Liset, Susan Dromey Heeter, Michael Davidow and Ani Freedman. Line 2: Garry Rayno, Wayne King, Paula Tracy, Montana West, Mike Marland. Line 3: Damien Fisher, Monica West, John Harrigan, Arnie Alpert, and Michael Ferber.

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 Until Dec. 31, your tax-deductible donations will be doubled when you give by clicking here to donate.You may also send a check to NH Center for Public Interest Journalism, 38 Edgewater Drive, Barrington, NH 03825. IRS determination letter here. Our EIN number is 81-2266973.—Thanks Nancy West, 

Dear Friends of,

American democracy is at the top of our minds this month with Election Day fast approaching Nov. 5. Today also kicks off this year’s NewsMatch campaign here at the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism, which is our biggest fundraiser of the year, to keep publishing for New Hampshire. 

Here at New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism we see democracy and journalism as two sides of the same coin. If you care about one, it is imperative to care about the other.

Every day, our nonprofit newsroom seeks to inform and empower readers and to hold the powerful accountable. Neither would be possible without the support of community members like you. 

Thank you for being a supporter and valuing independent journalism. If you are able to chip in a little extra in the spirit of NewsMatch we’d be so grateful.

Now for some great news: From now until December 31, we have an opportunity to boost the impact of donations to the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism, which will help power our newsroom into 2025. Here’s how it works:
NewsMatch will double your individual donation up to $1,000 for a one-time gift.

NewsMatch will also match your new monthly donation 12 times or double your one-time gift, all up to $1,000. 

If you’ve been thinking about becoming a donor to the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism, this is the best time to do it. Your support will get our NewsMatch campaign off to a solid start and help keep our newsroom on strong footing. If you believe in the work we’re doing, will you give today to double the impact of your donation?

Yes, I support the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism!

Thank you for believing in journalism that strengthens our democracy.

With gratitude,

Nancy West, founder and executive editor

The New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism relies on donations, and fundraisers like this one, to exist. We appreciate your patience with extra emails during these times. By making a donation, you can skip the bulk of these messages going forward. Thanks for being in the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism’s community.

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